Avatar: Way of Water


Tereza Čtrnáctá

We've been waiting for the sequel movie of Avatar for a long 13 years and now we finally got it, not just in a normal way but in an epic story and highly perfect graphic. Avatar: The Way of Water is as unusual as the first Avatar movie.

   In the real world has run much time as well as in the world of Avatar. Jake and Neytiri have family now. They are parents to two daughters and two sons. His two oldest sons are in their teenage years and his youngest daughter is about 8 years old. Jake enjoys many happy times with his big family until the sky people (humans) return to Pandora and clone of the villain from the first movie start hunting him and his whole family. Because of this Jake is forced to leave the forest and tribe to protect the people, so he and his family travel to sea tribes in order to hide there, because there are hundreds of islands where it can be more difficult to find them.

   When they arrive to their asylum with sea tribe, Jake and his whole family must learn the way of water in order to live there. This challenge contains for example that they must learn to breath properly, hold breath underwater for long time and learn to ride local water animals. After few time main villain find them in their asylum and you can experience a huge epic and (for someone heartbreaking) finale.

   I love how the film was handled and I enjoyed every shot of the film, because it's something you don't see every day. I think that James Camreron is a genius in many ways, because he made me really miss the forest of Pandora and that's the exact same way the main characters felt for most of the film. You could basically feel what they feel and you heighten the feeling if you see it in the cinema in 3D, because that's a completely different experience. To sum it up, this movie made me really feel like I was part of the story.