Cambridge Exams

Cambridge Exams Hacks

To do or not to do CAE exam? What to expect and how did we survived? What is our personal experience? Is the stress worth it?  Is CAE even necessary? That and more is what you can learn at Cambridge Exams Hacks page. 

Some youngsters might say that the CAE preperation was just eight dreadful endless months without any source of happiness and for us it was exactly like that.

As we can see, many students from our school are trying to get an English certificate from

If you're thinking about getting a CAE certificate, I would definitely recommend doing so in a school year before maturita, while it is helpful to have one of the 5 maturita exams done sooner, so you can stress a little bit less in the maturita year.

You decided to take the CAE exam and now you are stressed, because you don't know what to expect and you worry you can't do it? That's why I am here to give you a few I think useful and beneficial tips on how to pass the dreaded exam.

When you are around 17 it is the best time to start thinking about things like graduation and stuff. As you probably know here at GPJP we have 5 subjects you have to graduate from. Frankly there's this thing called a certificate that can help you to a certain extent.