Practising for the CAE exam


Here are some tips and tricks for the test, so take a look at this article, do some of it and you will get it.

The most important part is speaking, but you usually hear the same thing all the time. You need to find yourself a partner to speak to. I am sorry for repeating, but it is true and you cannot improve by anything else.

Listening is the easy one, you don't have to do anything more than you do right now, just watch movies and tv series or various themed youtube videos in English and without subtitles. Music also helps a lot if you concentrate on the lyrics. I prepared for this part only in this way and I got full points.

Writing is probably the hardest one. You need to write a lot of papers just to get comfortable with it and then you start to improve. The site helped me a lot to get confidence, because I have been writing a lot and I needed more feedback, so I put some papers there and I got C1 on the vast majority of them. To understand better what I write about, this site shows you the level of the text and specific mistakes in it.

Reading is about understanding the text, so if you read books and then read some summary of it to be sure you understand, it is great. Articles about topics of your interest are awesome to read, but read some other topics as well, because you have to have vocabulary from more fields.

Use of English is not as easy as you may think. You need to practice on some tests from the past, there are a lot of them on the internet for example If I didn't know the look of the test, I would probably not get it.

It is really about knowing what test you are going to take. So take a look at the practice tests.

You can do it!