Sometimes you think you know but you don't know.

Aneri Martin

6. května proběhne korunovace nového britského krále Charlese III., syna Alžběty II. Po 70 letech bude mít Velká Británie nového panovníka. Na korunovaci se spolu s Británií připravuje celý svět. Prezident Petr Pavel se na tuto velkou událost samozřejmě vydal také. Jel dokonce veřejnou dopravou, čímž nás příjemně překvapil. Další informace podáme...

V ČT 24 konečně proběhla zpráva o možnosti ukončení konfliktu. Etiopie je významou zemí v dané oblasti a její stabilita výrazně ovlivňuje celý severní kontinent s dopady i na Evropu. 4.11.2022

On Saturday, May 8th 2021, riots broke out on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, during which Israeli police officers and Palestinian believers clashed. The incident outraged the radical Hamas movement so much that it opened fire on Israel on Monday. Israel's answer came soon.



What was the best from lessons with Rafael?

Alexei Navalny


Alexei Navalny is a Russian opposition leader, lawyer, anti-corruption activist and organizer of anti-government demonstrations.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict lasts over 80 years now. But when exactly did it start? There are so many options and each of them gives us new information to focus on. Even after such a long time it's not clear who is the villain and the victim. This war might be one of the most komplex and intricate of all time....

Nostradamus was a French atrologer and a seer and he is known for his prophecies. All of his predictions are in a book called The Prophecies and most of them are rhymed. He also published his prophecies on juidical strolology, since it was the best way how to tell people without looking suspicious. His predictions also came true in some...



Everyone probably heard about Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency but what does even mean? It's purely digital, there are no physical coins or bills tied to it. Cryptocurrencies are not tied to valuable assets, so they are not tied to anything of value in the real world. This makes the value fluctuate erratically, which you've likely seen. For the past...

The most exciting thing I remember form classes with Rafael was the conspiracy theorie about Dianas death. Her death wasn´t just an accident, but some people think she was killed in odrder of the Royal Family. The most exciting thing was that she maybe knew about her death and that she left a letter where she wrote that theres...