How to Pass the CAE Exam



You decided to take the CAE exam and now you are stressed, because you don't know what to expect and you worry you can't do it? That's why I am here to give you a few I think useful and beneficial tips on how to pass the dreaded exam.

Firstly, the sooner you will start, the sooner you will be less stressed and more confident about passing the exam. It might feel like it is a difficult process with all the parts and exercises, but doing something 20 minutes a day for a few months is all you need to pass. Definitely get the CAE training book and do at least 3 full tests to know what to do better and on what area to focus. It will give you some perspective on how the actual exam will look like.

Definitely find a speaking partner with whom you can talk in English about everything in order to be calm at the exam and to give out your maximum performance. It is also mandatory to read a lot, it could be a novel, but also focus on articles online, so you can orientate in harder texts and understand them. Also try to listen to some podcasts or TED talks to be better prepared for the listening part.

Last but not least, write in English a lot, to your diary, to your friends or just anything that interests you, but when you write something put it here: Write & Improve and it will show you your English level and what mistakes you made, so you focus on them and wont do them again.

I hope it calmed you at least a little bit and I believe that with a bit of work and preparation you can pass the exam and benefit from it the most you can. Last thing I can say, bring food and water to your exam, sleep well at least a week before the exam and don't stress, it is not worth it.