I survived the CAE exam and you can too!


Are you sure you can pass the exam? Then go for it! 

Be sure of yourself, your skills and knowledge. Knowing that I can do it, that my English is good enough to pass the exam, I went in with utter certainty and peace. It made me rather suspicious at first, because we are all usually quite stressed and restless during examinations of any kind, but being so calm helped me concentrate more and I even knew what to write about the effects of sporting events, while not really being an expert on such matters. You don't necessarily have to study much, but definitely practice the exercises that are awaiting you in the test. I feel like many of the exercises cannot truthfuly tell your level of English. Especially the part with adding missing paragraphs to the text. I hated that part with my entire being.

With patience and time you learn how Cambridge wants you to answer. I must emphasize the word patience here, because from my experience, the first three months of preparation were dreadful! But practise makes perfect.

Believe in yourself and good luck!

REACTION: I could not agree with you more! The inner peace is really important even if it might look scary at first:) -ES