Christmas room


Tereza Čtrnáctá

When you enter this room, first of all, you notice that the room itself has a Christmas tinge in some way, although the space is sparsely decorated with Christmas knick-knacks and anything that would be close to any holiday at all.

One huge bookcase fits the entire wall opposite the entrance next to an enormous window from the old Victorian era. If you want to rest or just relax, this place is perfect for you because there are two huge comfy armchairs at both corners of the side with a window. Best of all is to sit in one of those armchairs, start reading some book from the library, where anyone can find some book perfect precisely for them, and just watch the snow falling outside from a poetic window. I guarantee it would be really hard for you to leave.

But the whole library is completed by the fireplace that gives the space the exact heat necessary for wholeness and cosiness. Also, if you get bored of watching the snow, you can start watching a fire in the fireplace and flickering rays of light all around the room instead. You enjoy being in this wonderful place alone as well as with others. Just be careful not to spill anything because a big neat Persian rug lies on the floor, and it would get dirty, which would be a shame.