Jeffrey Dahmer's Cookbook
Eliška Sommerová
Jeffrey Dahmer was born into a regular family, his father was a scientist while his mother was a kind of antidepressant addict. His parents argued a lot during his childhood, Jeffrey had not many friends, he was kind of a nerd without any hobbies. But one hobby that he searched for was dissecting animals, but only the already dead ones.
His parents got divorced when he just turned 18. At that time he was already heavily drinking and living by himself because her mother left with his younger brother for vacation which lasted for months and his father was prohibited from the house. At that time he was feeling alone more than ever and that also when his first murder takes place at.
Dahmer knew from his early aged that he was homosexual and the men torso aroused him the very most. It's no surprise that his first victim was a young boy who was hitching to a concert that occurred that day of his death. Dahmer took him to his place only for some weed and beer but that turned up pretty ugly when Dahmer hit the boy with a barbell to his head.
After getting away with his first murder, he was not killing for more then 10 years, in that 10 years he went throug one semester of university, 2 years of army working at the bucher shop. He was kicked out of these places due to his heavy drinking and speculation about drugging and assaulting other men.
After these events he started living with his grandmother, who did not suspect anything wrong with Jeffrey. He was going clubbing and then drugging young men just for their body, after sometime he was prohibited from visiting public baths (gay hotel). Thats when his second murder occured, his drugged himself by mistake insted of his victim, the he woke up next to his dead body.
I would say that how Dahmer's maniac episode started, he started to believe in Satan, killed many people in his grandma's house then he got himself his own place, where he stored the bodies of victims in acid. He also ate parts of his victims and he tried to make them into living zombies.
Jeffrey got arrested after one of his prey escaped his apartment and found police. At court he was giving life sentence (because in Milwaukee death penalty is not legal). No matter what he was killed by his inmate years after, ironically he was beaten to the by barbell as his first victim.
He had killed 17 young men, 4 of them are still not identified.