Crescent Hotel
Petra Němcová
The Crescent Hotel from the 19th century is located in Eureka Springs, Arcansas and it's claimed to be "America's most haunted hotel".
The Crescent Hotel has a really remarkable history. It was built in 1886 as a resort for the rich and famous people, but it quicky fell into disrepair. In 1908, it was reopened as the Crescent College and Conservatory for young women, but got closed in 1924. It again opened in 1930 as a junior college. After the college closed, again, in 1934, the Crescent Hotel was leased as a summer hotel. In 1937 it was turned into a haspital by it's new owner Norman G. Baker. Baker pretended to be a real doctor, who was able to cure many illnesses, including cancer. In this "hospital"they haven't cured any people, but still more and more people were falling fot their lie. They've earned a lot of money from people wanting to save their loved ones. In 1940 was Baker sent to prison for 4 years. After that the Crescent Hotel was left ownerless till 1946. In the spring of 1946, the Crescent Hotel was purchased by John R. Constantine, Herbert E. Shutter, Herbert Byfield, and Dwight Nichols. On March 15th 1967 was there a fire causing almost the whole hotel to burn to the ground. By that time was the only and last living owner Dwight Nichols. In 1997, Marty and Elise Roenigk purchased the Crescent Hotel for around $1.3 million. The married couple spent next six years renovating the hotel. Elise Roenigk remains the current owner of the Crescant Hotel after Marty Roenigk passed away back in 2009 in a car crash. In 2019 while the garden works have gardeners found jars with body parts. Visitors are even able to see some samples in the hotel's morgue.
The Crescent Hotel is now still opened as a hotel and you can even spend a night in there. You are of course welcome to stay longer, but most people go there for investigation, because it's haunted by nurses, who used to work here, builders, who built it and there's even a rumor that there's even the ghost of Norman Baker. So most likely you won't stay longer than one night.
If you would like to know more about the Crescent Hotel then I recommend you to search for it on YouTube, especialy videos from Sam and Colby or Kelsi Davies.