Do I have to start from zero? And is it wrong?


Do you still see yourself on the beach next to the sea? Yes? Well... Open your eyes... Do you see it now? We all sit behind the desks, stare on the blackboard and think about how comfy that pillow and bed were.

I don´t know if I´m alone or not but I feel like I really start from zero with all. With English, French, History and the most Math and Chemistry. It´s like if you would have hidden some treasure in the ground but you forgot where you did it. But maybe it´s just me who has it like this and in this case, I congratulate you and I envy you this. 

Because when I am trying to speak English or French during the holidays it looked little bit like this: "Hello?" "Ahh well yes?" "No, no" "Which coffee do you want?" I was like stuck in something like 30 English words and I was also really shy. 

Once my boyfriend had a guest from US at home and I was there for 4 days and I was literally avoiding her company because I really didn´t want to talk with her. But then she made us a dinner, joke here, joke there and it started to be less awkward and more interesting for me.

And in French it was even worse because I totally forgot how to speak French even though I really love French.

On the other hand, I think I learnt a lot of new words at my work (Parlor café... you should try it!) like sea berry or elderflower.

Briefly...Holidays weren´t good for my school results but they were definitely amazing and full of fantastic experiences.

But what is more for us? School or life?

Lucie Dvořáčková