Film review: Interstellar


Jessica Crowther

Spoiler alert!

About a month ago I watched a movie called Interstellar. It's about an astronaut and his daughter mainly that try to prevent people as mankind to go extinct. On Earth the climate change is non reversible anymore and the fields aren't capable of giving enough nutrients to the plants from its soils, because they are drained of its properties. It also causes big sandstorms all over the place and people are beginning to suffocate.

The main character, Joseph Cooper, is a former astronaut and is very gifted in the ways of knowledge and intelligence and uses it to take care of big fields. He has a daughter named Murph which is also very smart. One day these two find a secret base for confidential research. When they are taken in for investigation on how they found the secret base, they realize that people who know Joseph from other cosmic missions run the research.

The scientists explain to Joseph what is going on with Earth and that mankind will perish if no action is taken. They also ask him, if he could join the astronauts team and will travel to space again. There is a catch that they will have to travel several years as the only possible livable planets are in a different galaxy. He decides to be a part of this mission for the sake of humanity. Knowing that he will come back to Earth probably when his children are fully grown adults.

Travelling through the space is mainly in cryosleep as they would get too old before they meet the first destination. They search through a planet looking for any signs of livable conditions. After coming back to the homeship they discover that they spent way more time than they expected, because of how close to the blackhole they were. After not finding any suitable planet to move the mankind to live on and losing very precious time, he decides for a drastic action and to try and go through a black hole.

Surprisingly the black hole doesn't kill him and surprisingly it just shows him different realms and times of the world and in his case his daughters room. He tries to communicate with his daughter, trying to make her stop him from going to the mission. He thinks he failed to do so, but as his daughter was a genius she manages to solve the problem of why didn't they come back and how to save the human race.

People later live on a new livable planet and use a huge amount of new technology using the new knowledge of how to travel through space and time.

This movie was very well written and filmed, it had a really good cast of actors like Anna Heathway or Michael Caine. The film was also really well structured and knew how to play with people's minds. It was very gripping and never foreseeable. It was exciting from start to finish and some scenes were so emotionally draining that it even provoked some tears to fall down not just one cheek. There are more films from the same director and non of them left me disappointed. I strongly recommend to watch this and more of his films since they are all really high quality.