Lucy´s Work-Life Adventures   Week 4 


Week 4

Training is fun.

During training, you get to see how the work is actually done, observe local customs, and feel the vibe of the whole workplace.

Training is fun until your boss comes to you with the sentence that begins with

"I think it´s time for you to-"

That exact thing happened to me this past week, except it wasn´t my boss who said it but rather an over-excited colleague of mine. I knew I should have expected this to happen, especially as this week marked my first month in this job, but it still caught me off guard.

Not being exactly an emotionally stable person, I had to take a moment to catch my breath, even stopping aside for a moment because I was feeling so overwhelmed.

"Me making actual phone calls? No way," was going through my head.

But then a more rational part of my brain came to life by saying "if not now, when?"

The thing is, everything will be scary until we first try it.

I had my own chance to figure it out.

But without trying new things - especially the ones we´re afraid of - we won´t really get anywhere.

So I did my first phone calls.

And despite it being rather awkward - I felt really proud.

And you should too.

For doing anything that makes you cross your comfort zone ever so slightly.

I know how hard it might seem.

But nothing will move you forward faster.

Trust me.