Lucy´s Work-Life Adventures   Week 5


Week 5

One of the most thrilling yet the most nerve-wracking things for me when I first started my new job was meeting new people.

See, a whole new environment comes with brand new people and as someone who enjoys making connections and meeting people from all different lifestyles and backgrounds, I was really excited.

But I´m also someone who gets pretty shy when thrown into a foreign environment, and who can also get really self-conscious when establishing new relationships.

It sure was a confusing mixture of feelings but it taught me that what I´m feeling is okay as long as I don´t let it consume me.

It is normal to feel a bit scared when meeting new people, especially if you are aware of how much of an important role they will play in your life. Because let´s admit it: the people you work with can make or break your whole work experience.

Fortunately, I was blessed with a great working group. None of us is the same and we don´t all get along, but when I´m at work I feel safe and welcomed, which is what´s most important.

So how to make work relationships last? I can´t answer that just yet. All I can say as I start my second month in my full-time job is that staying true to yourself and meeting people with an open mind and an open heart is your best shot.