Giant viruses?!


Šimon Petránek

Everywhere on this planet is being fought a merciless war by the true rulers of this planet - microorganisms. Aside them, there are viruses that are parasitizing on every single one of them. Viruses are nothing more than just a bit of genetic material, and a few of proteins. They have no will or ambition and they are more dead than alive. With all of this, they are the most successful beings on Earth.

There´s an estimated 10 000 billion billion billion viruses on Earth. If we put them all next to each other, they would stretch for 500 milky way galaxies wide! Isn´t it crazy?!

It´s not even 20 years from now, when scientists discovered completely new kind of virus, called GIRUS - a giant virus. These giruses are everywhere we can imagine, even in our mouths! They hunt other small viruses with their unique forms and shapes. How would you like it, if a mouse was crawling into your mouth and using your guts, bones and fat tissue to build a mouse factory!! That´s exactly what giruses do to their victims, but in their microworld! Simply they connect to the victims infrastructure and then procreate!

Otherwise they are more complex than regular viruses but still on the boundaires of living and death organisms! Scientsts discovered, that some of gens giruses have are living genes like ours! Unfortunately many things about giruses are still unknown. But what we know, is that giruses have influenced the whole evolution by mixing their genes with other organisms.

So if you thought there´s no more discover, think about giruses and about interminable world of microorganisms that they are a part from!

If you wanna know even more about these eminent beings, click on the link below!