Lucy´s Work-Life Adventures   Week 2


Lucy Button 

Getting sick is no fun. Especially at a time where determining what sickness you have is more stressful than ever. But getting sick while working adds another dimension to it. Namely when you´re still going through training.

I am that type of person who doesn´t like missing out on responsibilities and therefore tries to keep going up until their body gives up. You know for certain that happened when your boss sends you home after taking one good look at you.

So I gave myself a rest.

Sounds simple but it´s me who we´re talking about so it, of course, wasn´t.

I never liked to miss out on school either but I feel like, with work, it gets even more extreme because you are literally getting paid for being present. What´s more, if you happen to be a part of training alongside other new workers like I am, you not showing up will also mean the whole training process slowing down.

But then again, what´s the use of going to work if you´re only there half-heartedly, your body simply not being able to support you?

You can´t do anything well unless your own cup is full. What you need to make sure of though, is that your employers are understanding of that and treat their employees as human beings, not machines.

Because in the long run, that´s all you´ll need.