March is here = Tulips month is here


Michaela Srpová

What does it mean?

It means that every year in March a non-profit organization Amelie announces a month of tulips, in which every one of us can easily help cancer patients. Its goal is to bring with spring hope and change, which symbolize the tulips, to all those who personally or in the vicinity encounter cancer.

And this year it is really special, because this year is the jubilee 10th year of this event!

About Amelie

Amelie is a non-profit organization that has been helping all adult cancer patients and their loved ones since 2006. I posted an article about this non-profit organization last year also in March so you can check more information in the previous article here. But now I just want to remind you about this event, remind you that it is time again to buy yourself some tulips to welcome spring and help others in this beautiful way. 

Last year

As I said, I posted an article about this event and organization last year and now, when I checked it again, I can saw, how many tulips were sold. There were 4451 tulips to help these people with this disease and to support their loved ones and workers in the non-profit organizations, who take care of them. Also, I can see there that 5212 pictures were painted and sent to this organization to decorate the hospitals. It is incredible to see how many people help others.

Themes and events

The month of tulips has 3 main themes. First one is ,,We live here together´´, which means that they give a message of hope and cohesion precisely through the decoration of hospitals and other programs. The second one is ,,The life with cancer´´, which is focused on workshops, courses and lectures for people with cancer to mentally support them and for people, who have in their vicinity someone with cancer to teach them how to speak with these people. And the last one is ,,We make joy´´, where mainly volunteers are involved and they help in various ways.

How can you help?

First of all, you can buy the tulips at and support this organization and people with money. You can buy how many tulips you want, they will bring them right to your house, you will welcome the spring and the whole yield is going to this organization to help people with cancer. Another way, how you can help, is to paint a picture to decorate hospitals and you can also add a message for these ill people, as I mentioned above, and send it to this organization. And at the end, there are some really interesting events, which you can take part in and just support by your presence. For example painting mandals, film screening, nature walks and so on.

There are really plenty of ways you can help. And when else, if not in the Tulips monts?

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