People in Need(PIN)


Michaela Srpová

I´ve written here about many world charities, but now, I would like to introduce you to one non-profit organization, which was based in our republic, in Prague. People in need (Člověk v tísni) is a worldwide known organization that implements humanitarian relief and long term development projects, educational programs, and human rights programs in crisis regions internationally.

In the Czech Republic, PIN runs social integration programs and provides informative and educational activities. The organization aims to promote democratic freedom and principles of human solidarity. Since its foundation in 1992, PIN has had a presence in almost 50 countries. Currently, PIN is one of the largest NGOs in Central and Eastern Europe. They provide immediate humanitarian aid and help people get back on their feet. They help the poorest and most vulnerable, and support human rights activists. They hold the values of mutual help, solidarity and humanism in high esteem. Their most actual projects now are for example humanitarian assistance to 100 000 people in Ethiopia, help in destroyed Moravia by tornado, schools for children in Syria and sewing a brighter future for Armenian women.

With your help will be people from these regions happier and more protected. You can choose with what you wanna help and to which problem you want to donate. Of course you can donate just once or you can become a regular donor. It's just about a few minutes in your life and a few clicks on your computer/phone. Others lives are in our hands, so don't wait, DONATE.<3