
I can smell the fresh air filling the space everywhere around me. It is not heavy. It is not cold. It tastes like a rebirth to a new day. The wind is so light that I almost cannot feel it. It plays with my hair a little bit. It tangles them. It lifts them and then puts them down. Again and again. I cannot specify the time of the year surely but I would presume it might be may. For me dates do not mean anything. I know that people like to set the days, months and years but what is the matter when my whole life is just about dancing and singing. Oh, sorry I totally forgot to introduce myself. As you might have understood, I am not an ordinary person. My body is not permanent. Neither is my soul. I was created by Nature, herself. I quite understand it might be difficult to visualise me. Shortly, I am tiny, trim and every day I wear the same white flowery dress. How odd, right? However, I have no other choice. I do not eat much but I do not despise fresh blueberries, raspberries... I live in the Dark forest. I still do not know why the magical place is called this way. When the sun rises and then at the end of the day goes down, the whole forest is filled with golden flames. They are playing games. They are trying to catch each other. I have to say that it is a really stupid game, for silly children, but I should admit it looks really spectacular. Long story short, my day is repeating the same way again and again. I cannot complain. It is amazing. I wake up with the first golden flames. Then I pick dew from flowers and leaves. Right after this activity, I brush my hair and wash my body under a hidden waterfall. There is always a rainbow which makes my day even prettier. From noon until evening I am dancing in the meadows, surrounded by the hardworking bumblebees and beautiful flowers. In the evening I brush my hair and put myself to sleep in a mossy underbrush. You would not believe me how comfortable it is. Through the trunks of grandiose trees I admire the sunset and I listen to the spring lullaby, which is performed by bugs and tiny creatures of all kinds.