The Musical Sound of a Flush


There are different types of people. Of course, we can distinguish them by the way they act, the way they dress or by the sort of their interests. It is natural that we are different. For example, we can differentiate people by what they are doing while sitting on the toilet. Sure, you can be reading something, you can be on the phone or even watch a nice movie if you feel like you're going to be there for a while.

But honestly. Have you ever thought about the noise your toilet is making while flushing? Yes, of course, it is some sort of a "splash", but every sound has a tone. In this particular situation, the key E-flat. According to minor popular opinion, people don't really understand why, in fact, this key. Not that they don't believe that every toilet on the planet flushes in the exact same tone, but more that "going to the bathroom is relieving, satisfying, and joyful, so E-flat is bewildering." I also came across the word depressing. But this is really a matter of opinion. Some people may find the flushing sound depressing, and someone could recognize the beginning of their favourite song from it.

If you're interested in listening to your own toilet and finding out the tone that it makes, I have to tell you that it's a little more complicated than it sounds. A tuner will not really help you, so you can not be absolutely tone-deaf to complete this experiment.

To be totally correct, though, some people claim that their own toilet flushes in D or even D minor. But we can only guess if that was a successful music experiment or just fake news.


Author Klára Petrová

Editor KM