The Sun and The Moon


Julia Drlik

Back then, there were beautiful plains in Africa. And there lived a kind and clever king. It was a lion and his name was Son. Unfortunately, the good times didn't last forever. 

One day, monsters broke through the wall which kept plains safe. The lion fought with monsters for full eight days and when the ninth day came, monsters ran away. Everyone was grateful, except for the lion. He was afraid that monsters would come back soon again and he wasn't fully healed from the battles. That's why Son asked Shaman for advice. Shaman said:" As long as you are with us, monsters won't come." But the lion answered:" I don't want my people to suffer from them ever again. What should I do to make monsters never come back?" 

Shaman told him that monsters were afraid of light. "What is light?" asked the lion. 

"That's the opposite of darkness. It's not scary. It's peaceful. It's really powerful, if you want to protect your people from monsters, you have to turn into to the light." Son thanked Shaman and went out to meet his people and told them about the advice. "But I can't be alone, someone needs to watch my back. Who will come with me?" There was silence and out of sudden he heard someone shouting out. "I will!" Everyone turned around and saw a beautiful white she-wolf with a big scar on her right eye. Her name was Maan. Then Son and Maan learned that they had to reach the highest mountain where they could turn into light. "But you need to be there till tomorrow's daybreak, you heard me!?" Both of them agreed, and set out for their journey. They got there in time. Shaman was already waiting for them.

 "You know there is no way back after becoming light. So, are you sure you want to do it?" said shaman "We know, but we want to protect our friends and family. "Shaman nodded. "Now you have to climb the mountain." 

When Son and Maan reached the top of the mountain a beautiful silver wings appeared on Maan's back and Her scar turned silver too.


she howled and flew up to the sky. Then she was flying in a circles so quickly that she became a moon. The craters created her face on the moon so she could watch her friends. When Son stepped on the top of mountain, another pair wings appeared on Son's back, but they were made of pure gold. Also, his mane became golden. He flew up to the sky and turned into the Sun. His mane changed into rays of the Sun. Since then, there have been the Sun and the Moon guarding us from monsters, if the monsters show up again, the she-wolf and the lion will protect us as they had promised. Lions roar to tell the Sun that they know about his story and wolves howl at the Moon telling her that they believe in Her.