Uncharted: Movie vs Game


Last year got finally released movie Uncharted and it made interesting phenomena. The Movie's target audience were people who already played the games as well as people who never heard about uncharted before. This divided the audience into two camps. The ones that love this movie and the ones that don't think it's that good at all. But why?

From the perspective of a normal person the movie looks amazing. There are good characters, story, locations and it's similar to beloved Indiana Jones. There are two main reasons for that:

- first: games itself are pretty great and it's obvious that practically everything connected to them has at least a potential.

- second: Tom Holland, who played spider man is there and Antonio Banderas, who is known as zoro or puss in boots will the main villain.

However fans of the games don't see it that bright. Because of their passion for games, they can't watch how their favorite game and characters are mulitaled in scenes that are one to one copy of the scenes from games, but worse. Although film makers promised to make a new original story they basically just took some scenes from each game and made it into some big hodgepodge.

In conclusion I would recommend to cast as Nathan Drake some not really famous actor, because then it looks more fresh, although I think that Antonio Banderas was great choice for villain. However all actors made good work and it was more writers and directors fault.

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