Fungi: The hidden webs -Underground fungal networks!


Šimon Petránek

Beneath our feet, a secret underground world thrives—a vast, interconnected network of underground fungal threads, known as mycelium. These incredible fungal networks, often overlooked but vital to ecosystems, play a crucial role in the health and balance of nature. Let's look into the fascinating realm of underground fungal networks and discover their significance not only in the hidden world beneath us. 

Mycelium, the vegetative part of fungi, consists of a complex network of tiny thread-like structures called hyphae (hyfy). These hyphae weave together, extending in all directions, forming a sprawling web that permeates the soil, connecting plants, trees, and other organisms.

A Web of Nutrient Exchange:

One of the most remarkable aspects of underground fungal networks is their ability to facilitate a complex system of nutrient exchange. The mycelium acts as a bridge, connecting plants and trees, enabling them to share essential resources and information. This symbiotic relationship, known as mycorrhizal symbiosis, allows fungi to deliver vital nutrients, such as phosphorus and nitrogen, to plants, while receiving sugars in return.

Protecting and Nurturing Ecosystems:

Underground fungal networks play a crucial role in maintaining the health and resilience of ecosystems. They enhance soil structure and fertility, improving water absorption and retention. Mycelium also acts as a natural defense system, forming a barrier against pathogens and pests, protecting plants from diseases.

Interconnected Communication:

Beyond nutrient exchange, underground fungal networks serve as a sophisticated communication system. The amount of information trasmitted is simply enormous. The communication resemble to synapses between neurons in our brains! 

Recent research suggests that mycelium enables plants to communicate with one another, alerting neighboring individuals of potential threats, such as insect attacks or drought conditions. This mechanism of communication allows plants to respond collectively, enhancing their chances of survival. For example by synthetizing a specific chemical, deadly for the attacker, all thanks to the underground communication and chemical communication using pheromones. 

Environmental Restoration and Sustainability:

Understanding the significance of underground fungal networks has brought interest in their potential applications for environmental restoration and sustainability. Mycelium can aid in soil remediation by breaking down pollutants and absorbing toxins, making it a valuable tool in cleaning up contaminated areas. Additionally, mycelium-based materials show promise in sustainable practices, such as eco-friendly packaging and construction materials.

Unseen to the naked eye, underground fungal networks constitute a hidden world of fascinating connections and vital exchanges. These mycelial networks make symbiotic relationships, enhancing nutrient uptake, exchanging quanta of information, protecting against pathogens, and facilitating communication among plants. By gradually unraveling the mysteries of these fungal networks, we gain insights into the delicate balance and adaptability of ecosystems. As we continue to explore and appreciate the hidden web underground, we uncover new possibilities for environmental restoration and sustainable practices. Simply, we can learn from the abilities of these remarkable fungal networks. 

Personally, I highly recommend a documentary to watch on netflix called Fantastic fungi, where you can learn more.