WWF (World Wildlife Fund)


Michaela Srpová

"Building a future in which people and nature thrive´´.

International non-profit organization promoting wildlife protection. With more than 5 million supporters worldwide, it is the largest organization with such a focus. It has an endangered large panda in its logo. It's main goal is to build a world in which people will live in harmony with nature. It focuses on the protection of endangered species and in particular on the conservation of biological diversity in forest, marine and freshwater ecosystems. The organization has branches in 42 countries and one international branch. In the Czech Republic, it is involved in saving forests in the Šumava and wants to participate in the preparation of a project to save floodplain forests on the border of the Czech Republic, Austria and Hungary.

WWF's work puts people at the center and organizes their work around six key areas: forests, marine, freshwater, wildlife, food and climate. By linking these six areas in an integrated approach, they can better leverage their unique assets and direct all their resources to protecting vulnerable places, species and communities worldwide.

There are so many ways you can help this organization. Of course you can donate, like usual, once or monthly, it's your decision. It's minimally $10 in monthly donation or if you wanna donate just once, it's minimally $25 here. If you decide to donate monthly, you´ll join their team of monthly memberships and they´ll send you a gift for free of your choice! Then you can also just stop monthly donations and if you´ll want to come back after some time, you can just renew your membership and here you go again. But that is not the end of helping! More interesting option here is that you can adopt an animal! For example a Giraffe (but there are so many animals, you can adopt). It means you can send them mail, that you wanna adopt a Giraffe, and then you can monthly send money for your Giraffe in Savanna. Of course you´ll get some small gifts for that, like a little plush Giraffe or T-shirt with your Giraffe. So don't wait and let's go open their website to make our Planet a better place!