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Česká literatura - podle některých poslední roky nepřinesly nic výjimečného, někdo naopak tvrdí, že loni vyšlo hned několik titulů, které stojí za pozornost. Ať už se řadíte k té, či oné skupině, jedno je bezesporu: knihy jako takové nejsou to jediné, čemu dal minulý rok v oblasti literatury vzniknout - letos nás totiž čeká první ročník Ceny...

It was a warm, hot, late summer morning. 8/31/2024, the last day of the junior nationals in eventing on horseback of 2024. After the two previous disciplines, I was second. I had to win. I had to. My heart was already racing from the moment my eyes opened in the morning. Hadn't my friend's Laura's mother, who gave me some...

U.S. President Donald Trump has once again announced the idea of purchasing Greenland, stirring diplomatic tensions between the United States and Denmark. The proposal, which echoes Trump's controversial 2019 attempt, highlights Greenland's strategic significance and resource potential.

Since the election of the new USA president, the market of digital currencies has surged over 40%, especially bitcoin. It has reached, for the first time, the mark of $100 000 (2.39 mil Czech crowns). It is said that the growth of the bitcoin is driven by optimism surrounding President-elect Donald Trump's pro-crypto stance.At approximately 2:36...

Our GPJP TIMES group of special envoys was sent to Brno in early train from Prague and with motivation and sleep deprivation, we set off. After the long way on the train with mysterious creatures who go off the train with us in Brno we had the finish in reach. After few stops in the legendary Šalina we stood in...

We are on the verge of a new age of space exploration. Although the last few years may have seemed sluggish in terms of space exploration prospects, there is a bright future ahead.