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Endurance races such as the Spartan Race, Gladiator Race, and Urban Challenge have gained immense popularity in recent years. However from my point of view it is difficult to find people of our generation among the supporters. These races offer participants a thrilling mix of physical challenge, mental fortitude, and an adrenaline rush that is hard...

Strach z neznámého je přirozený lidský reflex, jenž nám v mnoha ohledech život usnadňuje, ale i ztěžuje. Ať už jde o strach z prostředí, lidí nebo třeba jídla či pití. Strach je v takovém případě logickým lidských reflexem - problém ale nastává v momentě, kdy se tento strach změní v čistou nenávist. Znám doopravdy málo případů, kdy mezi dvěma...

Curling is a sport that often generates a few chuckles and raised eyebrows. To most people especially in Czech Republic, it may seem like nothing more than a peculiar combination of sweeping and sliding stones on ice. In fact, one of the phrases curlers hear on daily basis it that curling is just training for being a housekeeper, with its...

Beer Fans


This summer was a little different from the last ones. My best friend wasn't tanning in Bulgaria these two months as she always used to do and decided to stay in Czechia and make some money instead. Because she refused to join the vacation with her family, we had to take care of her until they came back. It was...

When I woke up in the hotel room after the first night, it felt almost like a dream! I could not believe it! I quickly got dressed and went out to find the hotel restaurant to get some breakfast. And I was in seventh heaven. The huge amounts of ripe fruits from passion fruit to mango and these adorable little bananas....

The Aboriginal people prior to colonization were not only a simple 'hunter gatherer' culture. After thousands of years of adaptation the native people developed an agricultural strategy to manage the environment and increase the fertility of the soil which is fairly low in Australia. The 'fire-stick farming' is based on detailed burning plans.

Human inhabitants who lived on the Australian continent before the British colonization are considered indigenous. That consists of Aboriginal peoples, who are the indigenous majority of the Australian population and Torres strait Islander peoples. Close to 813 thousand people identify as native Australians which makes up to 3,2% of the Australian...

As we all are probably aware, cities have a huge impact on global warming and environment basically. First I would like to explain to you why global warming is alarming. Some of the highest temperatures were spotted in the last century, where global warming isn't that accurate as now. The highest temperature ever measured on Earth is 56.7 °C, which...

A lot of people may think that we cannot do anything for the environment because it is a common thing for everyone, it is a big deal and that just one person is not able to help. However, the real thing is that anything starts with our will to help and to do at least some small changes for it....



Microsoft is an American company headquartered in Redmond, Washington. It develops, manufactures, licenses and supports a wide range of products and services that are closely related to computers. It was founded on April 4, 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. In the mid-1980s, it began to dominate the home computer operating system market with the...