My AP Experience
Hey, I'm Martin, and I've just finished my online AP Macroeconomics course. But like... What is AP? For those of you, who just asked that question, let me elucidate.
Hey, I'm Martin, and I've just finished my online AP Macroeconomics course. But like... What is AP? For those of you, who just asked that question, let me elucidate.
V úterý 15.listopadu 2022 byla naše škola pozvána do Fokusu Václava Moravce, který se tentokrát konal v budově Senátu České republiky, v hlavním sále Valdštejnského paláce.
One of the most thrilling yet the most nerve-wracking things for me when I first started my new job was meeting new people.
During training, you get to see how the work is actually done, observe local customs, and feel the vibe of the whole workplace.
The 3rd week of my employment was the best week I have had in a long time, and I believe that the work aspect contributed to it a lot. Because if you think about it, we do spend a lot of our time at work. Unfortunately, most people don´t even enjoy what they do for a living. I am not...
Getting sick is no fun. Especially at a time where determining what sickness you have is more stressful than ever. But getting sick while working adds another dimension to it. Namely when you´re still going through training.
One of our most recent graduates has decided to go against the expectations of others - and even her own - and instead of continuing straight to university, she started working full-time. And because she really misses our school and especially all of the English projects, she agreed to contribute to our magazine regularly, sharing her experience in...