IT & Gaming
Faker was born on 7th May 1996 in South Korean capital city Seoul. When
he was 10 years old he discovered computer games. Because of his
intelligence, he had a huge potential in strategy games. So he started
to play Starcraft II which had already at that time a big fan base and a
famous e-sport league. When the popularity of Starcraft declined, he
gave a chance to a new title League of Legends by Riot Games.
Petr "CzechCloud" Žalud is Czech streamer, gamer, entertainer and clown. Since he was in primary school he was into gaming. After maturita he worked as a tech guy in O2. He was there for 10 years of his life. Then he ended the workplace at O2 and became captain of the Hearthstone section in famous Czech team eSuba Intel.