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Today, on March 5, 2025, US President Donald Trump delivered a speech at a joint session of Congress that was both bold and contentious. The event, attended by members from both parties along with a large media contingent, was marked by Trump's characteristic directness and a fervor that seemed to stir both cheers and boos from the audience.

In a surprising turn of events at the Oval Office, US President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy engaged in a heated confrontation during a scheduled diplomatic meeting. The discussion, initially meant to address mutual economic interests and security matters, quickly escalated into a loud shouting match that left aides and...

Česká literatura - podle některých poslední roky nepřinesly nic výjimečného, někdo naopak tvrdí, že loni vyšlo hned několik titulů, které stojí za pozornost. Ať už se řadíte k té, či oné skupině, jedno je bezesporu: knihy jako takové nejsou to jediné, čemu dal minulý rok v oblasti literatury vzniknout - letos nás totiž čeká první ročník Ceny...

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Lady Bug - Beruška 

Natálie Dvořáková (překlad Sofie Ciampella)

'Největší výzva je zjistit kdo jsi. Druhá největší výzva je být šťastný s tím, co zjistíš.' -neznámý autor

Byla jednou jedna beruška, která se rozhodla, že už beruškou být nechce, a tak vyšla do světa.

Project Verstappen - you can have a F1 world champion ... at home 

Jakub Ondruš

Might seem a little bit crazy, huh? You might say that it's impossible to get one of your childs into Formula 1 - an aristocratic sport where there are just two drivers not from wealthy families. However, let me introduce you to the idea of for a long time unknown former Formula 1 Jos Verstappen who created a monster named Max Verstappen.

Is Max Verstappen's victory in Driver's Championships inevitable

The Formula 1 season is back! Whereas the season of speculations, rumors, and has been running simultaneously since the end of the 2023 season. From a certain point of view, it was one of the most boring preseasons ever, because none of the 20 driver seats had its owner changed. This happened for the first time in the whole F1 history. 

The Magic of Red Bull Racing

This chapter won't be that much about the whole F1 sport, but it will be more about one specific team, which I like the most. I think that it is not really F1 that got me interested in Red Bull, even though they are a great team. Also, it's not because of the energy drinks they are making (I don't drink that), but it was the company itself. It is because of the marketing and how they represent themselves.

Slane Castle

Also known as Cáisleán Bhaile Shláine in Irish. It is a splendid castle located in the eponymously named village of Slane in County Meath, north of Dublin. Along with Blarney castle – which I might write about sometime in the future – Slane is the first castle I have ever visited in Ireland physically.

Aran Islands

Situated approximately 48km away from Galway Bay are the Aran Islands, comprising three little islands – Inis Mór, Inis Meáin and Inis Oírr. They are the last lands to the west before you reach America, enclosed by Atlantic Ocean (in case some of you did not grasp that :D).


Most of the people heard at least once in their life about Star Wars. It doesn't matter if you have seen the movies, series or just played the games, but for everyones it's an escape to another world, where you can be yourself, jedi, bounty hunter or rebel. The cornerstone of Star Wars is the original trilogy, where Luke Skywalker leads rebels against the evil empire. But how did the rebellion start ?


Wednesday is one of the newer Netflix series based on the character Wednesday Addams by Charles Addams, who first appeared in The New Yorker in 1938. She has been played by many actresses throughout time, but the most popular is the one played by Jenna Ortega, just in the newest series from Netflix. But I don't wanna talk about the show itself, but more likely about some fun facts about it.

Origins of Golf

Oskar Hahn

Hmm, I was just wondering about the first occurrence of golf. So here is what I found about the HISTORY of golf: The modern game of golf originated in 15th-century Scotland, the game's ancient origins are unclear and much debated.

Golf Course 

Have you ever thought what golf course consists of and are you able to speak to professionals about their beloved green? Let's look at some basic golf terms and maybe you will be drawn to learn even more! 

The Musical Sound of a Flush

There are different types of people. As an example, we can differentiate them by what are they doing during sitting on the toilet. But honestly. Have you ever thought about the noise your toilet is making while flushing? 

To Die! Tremendous Thing!

Leonard Warren (21st April 1911 - 4th March 1960) was an American opera singer. He was a leading artist in the Metropolitan Opera (New York City) for many years and was well-known for his unbelievable baritone. Before his career really took off, he was a singer in the chorus at Radio City Music Hall.

Faker was born on 7th May 1996 in South Korean capital city Seoul. When he was 10 years old he discovered computer games. Because of his intelligence, he had a huge potential in strategy games. So he started to play Starcraft II which had already at that time a big fan base and a famous e-sport league. When the popularity of Starcraft declined, he gave a chance to a new title League of Legends by Riot Games.
You can feel his contributions to the gaming world every time you turn on a console or play a modern game on a computer. He is the one who is responsible for taking the games to 3D. Without him you can only imagine how the first person shooters would be like.


Rubik's cube

Like to many other people, the Rubik's cube was a real mystery to me and until recently I didn't desire to learn how to puzzle it out.

Fastest Production Car in the World

Car makers are constantly trying to make their cars better and better and some of them are trying to make them as fast as possible. 

Rafi World 

Korunovace britského krále

This year´s summer in Australia will be remembered as a season of one of the worst bushfires that Australia 6. května proběhne korunovace nového britského krále Charlese III., syna Alžběty II. Po 70 letech bude mít Velká Británie nového panovníka. 

Olympics in Tokyo 2020 - To Be or Not To Be?

The olympic flame was already handed over from the Greeks to Japanese, but it is still uncertain if the games will actually take place because of the pandemic caused by coronavirus.  

5 Tips On How To Always Look Fashionable!

You want to look stylish everyday? There are a few secrets to always look good and trust me when i say, that it's not about always wearing the trendiest or the most expensive clothes.   

5 Fashion Rules Every Man Should Know

In the past articles we've been focusing on some fashion tips specifically for women, but don't worry boys, we haven't forgotten about you! So here are a few fashion rules every man should know!  

Escape Room

Jednoho dne jsme já a čtyři moji kamarádi šli na únikovou hru. To místo se nám od první chvíle nelíbilo, ale stejně jsme do toho ne moc dobře udržovaného baráku vešli.

Štědrý Večer

Byl studený zimní večer. V pět hodin už byla venku tma, lampy svítily lidem na cestu a osvětlovali ulice svým nažloutlým světlem. Z výšky se na zem pomalu snášel sníh, který celé město zakryl bílým povlakem.   


Individual Psychology Theory by Alfred Adler

Alfred Adler was an Austrian psychologist and doctor born in 1870. He took part in some of Sigmund Freud's researches. He soon found out that his ideas and opinions on human mind were very different from Freud's theories. 

The Twisted Story Behind Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

We all know the beautiful story of a girl called Alice and her fantastic world full of fantastic creatures and places. It is hard enough to imagine a dream world like this, let alone write a book about it.


Flying Lemur

Many of you have probably at least once in your life heard of something as a flying squirrel, but do you know there is also an animal called "flying lemur"? 

Think Pink

Water is blue - isn't it? Well Mother Nature likes to play with us, and sometimes the colour of water isn't blue or green - it's bubblegum.


The Colourful World of Jim Kay

If you consider yourself a Potterhead (for the uninitiated - an avowed fan of Harry Potter), then it's certainly no news to you, that a new illustrated edition of the fourth book, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, has just been published - and it's available not only in English, but also for those of us, who prefer reading in Czech.

The Repeatable Genre Rant

I sparingly watch movies and TV shows. First off, most genres are and will continue to be cursed for me (looking mainly at you, romance, horror, crime and documentaries). This seems to sip over to other mediums to some extend, as even the books lining my walls are either sci-fi or fantasy. 


Bylo teplé podzimní ráno. Listy se proháněly ve větru pod zářivým sluncem, zatímco Zuzka se svým tátou listovali v knížkách přede dveřmi své malé dřevěné chatky. Seděli v tureckém sedu na lavičce s výhledem na jezero. To jezero vždycky milovala. Občas se na něj jen tak dívala a přemýšlela. Jezero bylo toho dne krásné, vypadalo jako noční obloha. Vždy, když u něj seděla, cítila se zvláštně klidná a měla pocit tepla a bezpečí.

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